Thursday, November 15, 2007

I am bad!

Aryaman was his name. He was a tall, dark handsome boy living in the plush Prithvoraj road. He had clear blue eyes that twirled into his chocolaty face rounded by two juicy cheeks- which perpetually had a reddish hue merged in them. His skin was soft and he had two half moon shaped ears.
In spite of being rich and well off, Aryaman was a boy with minimal needs. His daily routine was, going to school coming back home, doing his homework and resting for the day.
One day, just before the summer holidays were beginning, Aryaman returned home all too tired and exhausted after he had got a lot of homework. His maid Shanti who had specially made him fried fish and chips and Geetamala his personal attendant greeted him at his huge mansion.
Though Aryaman never felt the need of these personal attendant’s and servants, his mother Vaishali had perpetually tied him to them. “Why can’t you take care of me mother, why these strangers?” thought Aryaman. But every time he asked his mother this question, she just shoed him and said! “You’re going to become a big man one day! I’m not going to look after you then am I? It is these servants who will be serving you day in and day out! All you’ll’ do is relax on the sofa while these shudras will be at your beck and call!”
But Aryaman didn’t like his mothers condescending attitude. He also wanted someone who he could call his own to tell him bedtime stories, play with him in his spare time or just talk to him on the days that he was stressed!

* * * *

As Aryaman entered his room he threw down his bag and tears ran into his blue eyes. It seemed as if Aryaman’s face had turned into an ocean all of a sudden!
He was irritated with his life. He wanted to spend time with his mother who was busy attending a kitty party at Mrs.Bankwalla’s home. What was more, father who was in the house didn’t take the slightest notice of him when he crossed the drawing room where his father sat reading the newspaper.
“I hate myself! I am bad, that’s why no one takes notice of me!” thought Aryaman as he quietly cried to himself all afternoon until he grew so tired crying that he drifted off to sleep.
In the evening when he awoke all disheveled he heard his mother screeching outside. “Shanti, you idiot! How many times have I told you to look after him! Just because he refused the food once, you let him go hungry! How insensitive of you!”
Aryaman knew that once his mother got angry, the whole house roared! So, in order to stop a virtual earthquake Aryaman ran into the corridor where he jumped and hugged his mother! “Oh mother, where had you been? I waited for you all afternoon but you never came!” said Aryaman sobbing! “You shut up you little twit! How much trouble will you cause me! Because of this foolish behavior of yours, I had to come running from my party!” said his mother flaring up! Her eyes almost popping out of their sockets! She slapped him tightly on his cheek “But mother…” said Aryaman and started wailing loudly! The whole house was full of his cries! “Look at him, how tall you are boy! And you cry like a baby! Shanti, Geetamala take him away! And tell him what I told you!” said Vaishali!

* * * *

In the room, Aryaman sat pressing his cheek that was bloodshot red! He was shivering and still sobbed! “Arya baby, is there anything you want?” asked Geetamala. But Aryaman just cried on till he became drowsy. Shanti and Geetamala exchanged glances. Eventually Shanti spoke, “ Arya Baby, remember you’re mother wanted us to tell you something. Well listen then! But don’t get angry, please!” Geetamala said, “Arya baby at the kitty party, Vaishali mam, met Justin, Mrs. Bankwalla’s son. He’s you’re age. Mrs. Bankwalla told your mother that she put him in tennis classes. And she praised the after effects heftily!” “So”, said Shanti “ Vaishali mam wants that’s you also join the tennis classes! It will help you! After all my Arya baby is tall and it will be an advantage for him!”
So, without even asking his opinion the maids, having done their jobs, immediately left the room. As for Aryaman, he just remained there, perched on his king- sized bed, waiting for someone to come and tell him that all this wasn’t happening and it was dream! But nobody came!

* * * *

The next day was an action packed day for Aryaman. Never before had he attended such classes. His legs ached with the vigorous exercises and “Follow through”, “Low to high” all of this echoed in his ears! His hands seemed strained, as they had held the new Wilson racket his father had given him one day, from his many pieces. All in all, he was dead by the time he arrived home. He walked as if he had not received sleep in years and he dropped coldly on his bed and went to sleep.
As the days passed on Aryaman mastered the game well. His shots were powerful and his serve was accurate. He soon got used to the rigorous training. One day his coach invited his parents to see his wonderful game but they couldn’t spare time. As a result Geetamala came. She couldn’t understand anything the coach told her. The only thing she managed to grasp was the fact that the coach recommended another academy for him. “Since his game is improving day by day, it is time for him to join the DLTA (Delhi lawn tennis academy) as he will completely master the sport then!”

* * * *
The day finally came. Aryaman, now much taller than majority of the kids of his age briskly walked into the courts of DLTA. Shanti had come to drop him and left soon after he entered the academy.
“Aryaman Shergill?” said the coach who seemed tough. “Yes sir” said Aryaman softly, feeling shy.
The coaching classes begun but Aryaman longed to go back to his older Academy where his teacher had given all his time in teaching him, not like here where the coach told him that he would be dealt with later. But Aryaman managed to stay on and played his game without much enjoyment.
By now Aryaman had got so used to the praises his older coach gave him that he felt mad when his new teacher told him that he needed to work more.

* * * *

One day as Aryaman came to the court he saw a group of boys huddled up, looking at him and laughing. He tried to avoid them and went and stood in a corner all by himself. But their remarks were still audible. He could hear them saying “Look at him, he’s so tall! Hah, looks like one of those abnormal kids!”. Another said, “ I heard him telling the coach his age, the twit’s just eight and he looks like a teenager!” “I’ll’ challenge him to a match right now!”
“Hey, kid, come here play a match with me!” said the bully. “No, I will not!” said Aryaman frankly! “You don’t have a choice kid, I asked you to play a match with me, not if you want to play a match!
So, Aryaman was forced into doing what he didn’t want to do and he played. The outcome was bad! Aryaman had lost his first match in months! He couldn’t bear it and tears rolled down his fat cheeks!
“You suck kid!” said the boys teasingly as Aryaman tried to put a brave face. But he was too small to absorb their mischievous remarks and slowly he cried.
“Look at his size! He’s crying! Hah fool!” said one boy. “Let me tell you kid, you must have been the boss in that earlier court, but here we are the bosses! You listen to us!” said the other. “And we say you ‘re pathetic, not made for tennis! You are nobody!” said another. But they all said together, “Neither do we, nor does this game need you, so get out! And admit your defeat! You’re bad!”
Aryaman stopped crying! He feared that he would be made fun of when he told his teacher or his parents or anyone about how the boys misbehaved with him! But more than that he wondered if anyone would even care!
So in the end he threw down his racket and screamed! “Yes, Yes, I am bad!”

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