Thursday, November 15, 2007

D ivination- An Art Bearing The Hue Of A Thousand Years

Man has lived through the past successfully. Be it through his endeavours of surviving to be the fittest or adapting the pragmatic approach of coherence with change, the past has yielded what the present nurtures to sculpt into the ‘perfect’ being.

Yet what the future holds is entirely unforeseen. Though it is overlooked on certain parameters, as it seems to be inevitable, today, life has taken a bend that allows it to see deeper into the thicket- To question belief, shatter fallacy of thought and most of all attempt to reveal what the Pandora’s box shall eventually shed light upon…tomorrow.


Though there is no real proof that clearly showcases the evidence of tomorrow’s morning, the fact remains that certain customs do eventually surface and that majority of the world believes in them as they govern it all.

Well many may question, that the future is still inevitable, why not satisfy yourself by trying to believe what the customs of our forefathers have presented to the whole world in the form of various tools that can be used as a medium of scrying and perhaps developing preconceived, yet hopeful notions about the future?


One such tool is D ivination or the art of foretelling the future using different methods that the divinor may decide. Infact, it is believed that divination as a concept emerged into the realm of reality some thousand years ago in China by studying the cracks on eggshells. Thus gradually, not only has half of china, but also half of the world has adopted these ancient methods. Life arguably can still not be called inevitable doom!

D ivination is a vague process. It involves the divinor to be a keen observer, one who has an eye for detail yet retains his distance from his tool as otherwise he might be made a medium.


Here are various techniques of D ivination that have been practiced for generations: -

Tasseomancy- reading tea leaves.

Smokescrying- visualising the future in smoke.

Cloudmastery- interpreting cloud formations.

Windscrying- talking to the wind.

Dreamscrying- interpreting dreams.

Ornithomancy- interpreting migrational pattern of birds.

Lecanomancy- reading marine rocks.

Hakata- transforming into a spirit of the ancestor.

Crotimance- practicing divination on cakes.

Yeastscrying- divination with bread.

Dactylomancy- divination with rings.

Ceroscopy- reading wax on water.

Phrenology- reading the bumps of the skull.

Arithmancy- divination by numbers.

Onychomancy- divination using fingernail samples.

Axinomancy- reading axe blades.

Belomancy- divination through arrows.


D ivination involves the divinor to practise and array of techniques. Thus there is freedom of choice coupled with the psychological satisfaction of obtaining results. What the Egyptians had invented years prior to independence can now be rationally (or irrationally) applied to every single being present because of the mobility of choice.

Often the laymen confuse E.S.P. (extra- sensory- powers) and D ivination. However, sceptics choose to rationally reason out the fact that while Divination can successfully be practiced among all, E.S.P. that stems from certain characteristics common to only the minds of some has scientific backing. Thus it is popularity versus fact, but not fact versus fiction!

Extra-Sensory Perception is defined as the ability to acquire information by paranormal means independent of any known physical senses or deduction from previous experience.

Certain E.S.P. are excessively popular, Clairvoyance for instance. After the Titanic disaster in 1912, certain sceptics claimed to have had a clairvoyant vision on the devastation. Further, these theories were backed by certain people’s reactions that stemmed from a continuous series of visions-precognitions or termed telekinesis (ability to move things without touching them) of the sea gods. While some received messages through paranormal encounters termed out of body experiences other preferred calling the disaster the handiwork of mediums (connectors with the dead).


D ivination is perhaps the most practiced style of fortune telling. It has captivated mankind for centuries. There are various reasons as to why this ancient art is still prevalent: -

~It uses inexpensive techniques

~Does not involve any sort of formal training

~Features in folk tales and fables

~Has a vast range of techniques

~Was first used among primitive beings

~Can be practised by practically anybody

Thus, D ivination holds the position of the primary tool for fortuntelling, as it is not only an epitome of beliefs but also the voice of all the primitive beings for whom there is no such expression as the ‘inevitable end’.

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