Friday, February 8, 2008

The Vehemence and Malice of Garbage

Perhaps we are under the influence of some grave charm thus we have become completely ignorant of the fact that while we are brewing convenient cups of coffee at home, the colony dump is overflowing; its potentially hazardous garbage is encompassing our city Gurgaon and corroding its luxury.
The fact is that each and every scrap we toss aimlessly into the dustbin lands up in the dumps and thereon remains etched there. What we don’t seem to understand is the power possessed by a single flock of poly- bags or any such scrap for instance. Unknowingly it is constituting our doom.
Yes, it may sound overrated but the spite of garbage is tremendous. And in not standing forth pragmatically, we are letting the scrap engulf us. It seems we are in awe of it.
Gurgaon is termed the millennium city but with the new millennium came a new evil urge- (to make hygienic garbage disposal impossible or so it seems!), which has stripped us of a clean whiff and clean environs.
Everyday, while travelling to school, a third of my journey is consumed in blocking my nose so as to avoid the ghastly stench emitted by a local garbage dump. With the regular scraps of plastic and household junk, there are a series of astounding sights waiting to disgust you if not cause some disease. Crippled cows flock the vicinity coupled with fresh corpses of stray animals. Is this anywhere close to what our city government proposes under the garb of waste disposal?
If yes, then we are seriously in a stance of peril. Because the garbage lurching out there is capable of transmitting serious diseases caused by an array of pathogens. Bacteria and viruses are thriving and infecting the air we inevitably have to breathe.
So who is to blame? Certainly the poor rag picker cannot be accused conveniently because the first step of waste disposal, which is garbage segregation at home, lies in our hands. Most of the times we are unable to segregate the biodegradable waste from the non- biodegradable one in dustbins due to some severe superiority complex or lack of awareness and thus we occasionally palpitate for a clean breath.
Gurgaon is developing at a good rate no doubt, but they are issues like these that pose obstructions. And the issue of waste segregation is certain a drawback for us.
The colony dumps have become so polluted that now the question of refurbishing them is dim, but not queer. The garbage dumps that have recently been opened near our homes must be cleaned on a regular basis and as responsible members of Gurgaon we must ensure so if we want our societies to yield fruitfully.

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