Thursday, November 15, 2007


In hell there was once a grand fiesta,
In the glory of Shakespeare’s evil twins,
Whose works had not only baffled many,
But had also tormented their heavenly kins!

When the clock struck twelve,
Romeo walked in, clad in pants green,
He was followed by his lethargic Juliet,
Whose acne had polished her face clean!

The Duke of Venice, arrived next,
With his retinue of black- bats,
And soon Jessica gate- crashed,
While Lorenzo flicked his Polka hats!

Brutus’s ghost trotted past,
Stabbing Caesar for the hundredth time,
And Gratiano talked and talked and talked,
While Nerissa eloped with a Negro swine!

Desdemona performed the Rumba,
While Iago dirtied his dirty teeth,
Bianca danced but received no attention,
So she stole with Othello and had a lovely treat!

Macbeth kissed the king he had stabbed,
While his lady adopted three score,
Sirrah too danced to the beat,
With Titinia’s fairies galore!

Hamlet chose to remain aloof,
While Oberon sang his black throat out,
Robin Goodfellow was also seen,
Antonio’s blood was sucked with a spout!

Portia marveled at her beauty,
While Caesar’s ate coal and died,
Cato finally grew three inches,
At hundred, this was a matter of pride!

Petruchio laughed, made merry,
Katharina slapped Tranio hard,
While he tried to win his master’s bride,
By playing the part of a flirty bard!

Montague had gone blind,
His wife was dead by now,
The old cheek showed his true colours,
By smooching another pagan’s brow!

The Apothecary too seemed different,
For he had gradually turned drunk,
Though curing a bunch of mad- caps,
Would have jolted anyone’s spunk!

But the highlight of the bash, was the Jew,
Whose shy locks had turned creamy pink,
He won the “Hell-bent Character”,
For his unbathed body wafted a terrible stink!

In hell there was once a grand fiesta,
In the glory of Shakespeare’s evil twins,
Whose works had not only baffled many,
But had also tormented their heavenly kins!

1 comment:

Sammy said...

A remarkable piece.A must for every shakespeare fan.
what is the label?